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Energy Efficiency Series

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Ten years ago, energy consumption in a plastics molding operation was considered a simple expense, a bill to be paid, and was barely given a thought. Instead, we mostly talked about managing the cost of raw material that we molded into products. Now, however, molders increasingly look at energy precisely as a raw material, an essential component of our end products that we can't do without. And like other raw materials, its cost is rising. 

plastic pipe energy mould

Seen in this light, it's wise to recognize that energy expense should be part of the total cost tracking of finished products, and start managing it accordingly. 

Robin Kent, whose article identifies molding machine energy costs, has commented that the amount of cost attributable to energy is often about the amount of net profit in the job. So money we save on energy marches smartly from the expense side of the ledger to the profit line. 

Total energy management of a production facility involves many things, and doing it all is complicated. But it can be addressed in pieces and there is low-hanging fruit to be picked. Herein you'll find two such plums: barrel insulation and motor speed control for hydraulic pumps. Both offer good ROI and the promise of cutting the energy costs of machines already on the shop floor. 

We will publish more on energy efficiency this year, discussing topics such as material conveyance and drying, recycling and grinding, and process cooling and heating. We hope you will let us know which areas interest you so we can check them out and report back. But for now, last one out turns off the lights. 


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